Small Everlasting Wrapped Bouquet
Our Everlasting Bouquet is the perfect gift or home accent that will last for years with zero maintenance. Simply place in your favorite vase & swap out every few months to embrace the natural beauty of each season. Wrapped to perfection and tied with a satin ribbon.
Small bouquet measures approximately 14” tall and 6-8” wide. Each one is thoughtfully and personally created, so flowers will not be identical, but colors and style will be very similar.
100% real, dye-free, naturally dried. All our everlasting florals are dried in-house or sourced from other family-owned farms that follow the same principles of regenerative agriculture — that means no pesticides and a more sustainable choice when fresh flowers aren’t in season. Store indoors and out of direct sunlight.
Looking for different colors? Submit an inquiry! We’d love to make something custom for you.
Our Everlasting Bouquet is the perfect gift or home accent that will last for years with zero maintenance. Simply place in your favorite vase & swap out every few months to embrace the natural beauty of each season. Wrapped to perfection and tied with a satin ribbon.
Small bouquet measures approximately 14” tall and 6-8” wide. Each one is thoughtfully and personally created, so flowers will not be identical, but colors and style will be very similar.
100% real, dye-free, naturally dried. All our everlasting florals are dried in-house or sourced from other family-owned farms that follow the same principles of regenerative agriculture — that means no pesticides and a more sustainable choice when fresh flowers aren’t in season. Store indoors and out of direct sunlight.
Looking for different colors? Submit an inquiry! We’d love to make something custom for you.
Our Everlasting Bouquet is the perfect gift or home accent that will last for years with zero maintenance. Simply place in your favorite vase & swap out every few months to embrace the natural beauty of each season. Wrapped to perfection and tied with a satin ribbon.
Small bouquet measures approximately 14” tall and 6-8” wide. Each one is thoughtfully and personally created, so flowers will not be identical, but colors and style will be very similar.
100% real, dye-free, naturally dried. All our everlasting florals are dried in-house or sourced from other family-owned farms that follow the same principles of regenerative agriculture — that means no pesticides and a more sustainable choice when fresh flowers aren’t in season. Store indoors and out of direct sunlight.
Looking for different colors? Submit an inquiry! We’d love to make something custom for you.